Tomatoes, Tomahtos…

Just added to the line-up of our own produce, are CELEBRITY Tomatoes.  A robust flavored meaty center that is not quite like a beefsteak…but close.  Sold in quantity for savings or by-the-pound for your daily enjoyment!

Starting with the basics, tomatoes contain large amounts of vitamin C, providing 40 percent of the daily value (DV). They also contain 15 percent DV of vitamin A, 8 percent DV of potassium, and 7 percent of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of iron for women and 10 percent RDA for men.

The red pigment contained in tomatoes is called lycopene. This compound appears to act as an antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals that can damage cells in the body. Only recently, studies have revealed that lycopene may have twice the punch of another well-known antioxidant betacarotene. Studies conducted by Harvard researchers have discovered that men who consumed 10 servings of tomatoes a week, or the equivalent to 10 slices of pizza, can cut the risk of developing prostate cancer by a formidable 45 percent.

However, its benefits are not limited to the prostate. Italian researchers have found that those who consume more that 7 servings of raw tomatoes lower the risk of developing rectal colon or stomach cancers by 60 percent. Israeli researchers have found that lycopene is a powerful inhibitor of lung, breast, and endometrial cancer cells. Research has also indicated that the lycopene in tomatoes can help older people stay active longer.

New research is beginning to indicate that tomatoes may be used to help prevent lung cancer. Two powerful compounds found in tomatoes-coumaric acid and chlorogenic acid-are thought to block the effects of nitrosamines. These are compounds that not only are formed naturally in the body, but also are the strongest carcinogen in tobacco smoke. By blocking the effects of these nitrosamines, the chances of lung cancer are reduced significantly.

When choosing your tomatoes, be sure to pick those with the most brilliant shades of red. These indicate the highest amounts of betacarotene and lycopene. Though raw tomatoes are great for you, cooking them releases even more of the benefits. Lycopene is located in the cell wall of the tomato, so by cooking in a bit of oil, this healing compound is more fully released. In addition cooking the tomato in olive oil allows your body to absorb the lycopene better. Don’t worry about the availability of fresh tomatoes. Tomatoes don’t lose any of their nutritional value in the high heat processing , making canned tomatoes and tomato sauce are both just as viable and beneficial as fresh tomatoes.

Just Peachy



We anticipate the arrival of Pennsylvania Red Haven Peaches by August 5th.  The Ohio crop did not fare well with the extended sub-zero temperatures during the winter.

Peaches are good for you, providing a good source of the antioxidant vitamins A and C. They are high in fiber, especially pectin, a soluble fiber that helps to lower high blood cholesterol. Most of the vitamins found in peaches are close to and in the skin. Therefore, instead of peeling a fresh peach, simply rinse it with a little cold water and eat the skin for the most nutritional benefits.

The fuzzy fruit is also a source of flavonoids and beta carotene; these two compounds may help prevent the growth of certain cancers. New varieties of peaches are being developed that will yield even greater levels of cancer-fighting antioxidants and phytochemicals.